Driving Beyond Barriers

Driving Beyond Barriers (DBB) utilizes a wraparound approach to guide and mentor African Americans to acquire their Class A commercial driver's license through culturally specific 1:1 support and classroom instruction. DBB has been improving the quality of life of people isolated from the economic mainstream by improving our students’ employment outcomes, earnings, and community connections. The program has provided support to over 160 unemployed and underemployed African Americans since 2017.

Program Benefits


Within the Driving Beyond Barriers program, participants will be gifted with the access to achieving the next level of success. The program resources extend throughout the state of Minnesota and beyond. 


On-site, off-site, and throughout every step of your journey, you will have the support that you need. Internal Staff and Training Partners have joined forces to ensure each participant has the necessary resources to achieve in an equitable Minnesota workforce.


During your time in the program, participants will be connected with other participants who have the same goals and mission in mind. The surrounding community of others, who are just like you, will be in your corner even after program completion.


Driving Beyond Barriers is a portion of the holistic approach to Mind the G.A.P.P. In the midst of program enrollment, you have the opportunity to enroll in other programs the organization has to offer. Mind the G.A.P.P. believes in servicing every need you have with the resources available to you.

If you are looking for an opportunity to find a career that will provide you with employment while working locally, a Class A automatic transmission Commercial Driver’s License might be the right choice for you. With help and assistance from our staff, your Commercial Driver's License road test will not be as difficult to pass.

Our partnership provides each participant access to test with an automatic transmission. Our partnered training facility has state-of-the-art simulators to teach you how to use the automatic transmission, as well as assist all who have never driven an automatic transmission before. Simulator training will be included and required to demonstrate driving competency. Thank you for taking the steps to close the gap to prosperity!

Enrollment Options

Ready to Apply


Are you ready to enroll now? If yes, please complete the application in its entirety to be enrolled in the Driving Beyond Barriers Program. The deadline for enrollment will be announced soon. Please see the application to be placed on the waitlist for the next cohort. We look forward to working with you.

Waitlist Me


Not ready just yet? No worries! The deadline for enrollment will be announced soon. Please see the application to be placed on the waitlist for the next cohort. We look forward to working with you.

The Results

“The Driving Beyond Barriers program has changed my life!”

— Program Graduate

“My best decision was submitting my application. The staff members and resources provided were great.”

— Program Graduate